Mourad Bellassoued (ENIT Tunis, Tunisie)
An inverse stability result for non-compactly supported potentials by one arbitrary lateral Neumann observation.
Laurent Bourgois (Ensta Poems, France)
Imaging an acoustic waveguide from surface data in the time domain
Lucas Chesnel (INRIA, France)
Complete transmission invisibility for acoustic waveguides
Mourad Choulli (Université de Lorraine, France)
Lipschitz stability of the conductivity coefficient as a function of the resolvent.
Yves Dermenjian (I2M Aix-Marseille Université, France)
Guided waves and Carleman estimates
Jaroslav Dittrich (Nuclear Physics Institute ASC, Czech Republic)
Scattering through a quantum waveguide with combined boundary conditions
David Dos Santos Ferreira (IEC Université de Lorraine, France)
The Calderón problem in transversally anisotropic geometries
André Hänel (Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany)
Spectral asymptotics for an elastic strip with an interior crack
Christophe Hazard (CNRS POEMS, France)
Absence of trapped modes for a Y-shaped junction of open waveguides
Patrick Joly (INRIA POEMS, France)
Wave propagation in periodic waveguides : limiting absorption principle, behavior at infinity and radiation conditions.
Stanislas Kupin (Bordeaux, France)
On the distribution of the discrete spectrum of a Schrödinger operator on a waveguide.
Jean-François Mercier (CNRS POEMS, France)
Coupling of geometrical transformations and modal methods for waveguides of complex shape
Jean-Philippe Miqueu (Rennes, France)
Spectral analysis of the magnetic Laplacian with vanishing magnetic field
Julian Ott (Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany)
Halfspace Matching for Junctions of 2D Open Waveguides
El Maati Ouhabaz (Bordeaux, France)
A "milder" version of Calderon's inverse problem with partial data
Vincent Pagneux (CNRS LAUM, France)
Total absorption in waveguides by admittance conjugation
Konstantin Pankrashkin (Paris sud Orsay, France)
Eigenvalues of conical waveguides